
Growing a Documentary

Become a Backer

You can become a backer of FARMLANDIA using PayPal. Every contribution large and small brings the project closer to reality, and I thank you.
These folks supported me from the beginning and helped make it possible for me to go on the road in the summer/fall of 2011. I am forever grateful for their contributions to FARMLANDIA. I could not have done it without them.

Rosemary & Doug Brooks
Michael Fink & the Fink Foundation
Maureen & Jim Houtrides
Doug Lengel
Nancy Lengel
Potter Productions
Suzanne & Tom Rhodenbaugh
Howard Rubinstein
Chen Li Sung

And special thanks to Eric Herm, Allison and the boys for their extraordinary generosity and hospitality

To all those who saved me from the horrors of US road food, feeding me well, and putting me up in their homes, go special thanks:
Paul, Phyllis, Sarah & Sophia Willis
Mike Callicrate (who not only put me up,
but flew me a cross the Colorado Rockies)

Diane, Jeff & Jenika Downs
Bev & Dwight Rutter
Herb & Kathy Eckhouse
(& La Quercia prosciutto for the road)

Kim & Dianne Miller

JW Creative Solutions FARMLANDIA